Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ducks and Wolfs

I just saw a this cool video about
Ducks and Wolfs. The video was
about how Wolfs would go and
take the Ducks baby's and take
them to feed hes own baby's.
It also showed how when the
Wolf tried to take the Ducks
baby's even though he was taking
4 or 5 Ducks at a time he only
got away with 1 because he got
greedy. He had four or five Ducks
in hes mouth and he tried to get
greedy and take another one
and then the mom Duck came.
When the mom Duck came she
started trying to hit back to the
Fox cause the Fox was taking her baby's. So the Fox drop all the baby's
and he grabbed one really quick before he left. So the Fox went and
feed hes baby's after he grabbed the little duckling.

Photo Poem From Creative Commons

This picture makes me think about
all the good people that get locked
up in jail. Sometimes people go to jail
because of a murder or a crime that
they didn't commit, and i think that
that isn't nice or good. I really think
that the judges should really think
before they make their decisions.